Miyerkules, Hunyo 6, 2012

The Importance of Pigeon Pest Control in Both Town and Country

Many people think of pigeons as a city pest and, true, they are often seen in town and city centres across the county. Often referred to as ‘rats with wings’, these pesky birds can be a real nuisance to people and property. Councils spend millions of pounds cleaning up pigeon fouling; it makes towns and cities look dirty and shabby; damages and defaces architecture; and carries diseases and bacteria such as ornithosis and salmonella. Pigeon nests, often located on building ledges, can harbour dozens of insects and mites which migrate into the building.

Pigeons nearly always live in cities - they have easy access to food that is dropped on pavements and prefer to nest in large open areas rather than in densely wooded places like other birds - but they’re also common in agricultural areas such as barns and on roof tops, where there is a constant supply of small grains: their favourite food. Farmers are not the pigeon’s number one fan, as each year just one feral pigeon can eat its way through 64 pounds of food - and with over 15 million feral pigeons Britain, their eating habits can pose a serious problem.

Some people do not see pigeons as a problem and will feed them scraps of food on town streets and in park areas. Overfeeding these birds can be extremely dangerous as it attracts dozens of pigeons into one area and promotes the spread of diseases.

Pigeon Pest Control:

Terminex Pest Control Services offer a wide variety of bird proofing methods. Based in Hertfordshire and London, these pest control experts are a full member of the BPCA (British Pest Control Association), the industry’s official regulator. Their experienced technicians offer a free survey in order to assess the scale of your pest problem. Pigeon proofing techniques include the use of netting, spikes or sprung wires. As well as installing these excellent pigeon deterrents, Terminex will also clean and remove any pigeon fowling from your premises.

For more information on pigeon pest control click here.

Other Pests:

Terminex can eliminate a wide range of pests from your London or Hertfordshire property. Common summer pests include garden and pharaoh ants, wasps and flies. Other pests such as bedbugs, cockroaches, foxes, rats and moths can be found all year round. Fleas are an extremely common pest as they feast on pets such as dogs and cats. Having a flea infestation in your home can be a very unpleasant experience for all concerned, which is why you should contact a pest control specialist at the first sign of infestation.

Commercial Pest Control:

Terminex also offer commercial pest control services. Rats, mice, pigeons, cockroaches and flying insects are commonly found on commercial premises. Their commercial services consist of free surveys, free call outs for all contract clients, integrated pest management, written reports of all work performed, risk and COSHH assessments, monitoring and evaluation. They also have a specialist field biologist available to perform detailed surveys when required.

For a friendly, professional and efficient pest control service, contact Terminex today.